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It's back! Grab-Bike service spotted at Grab PH app

Grab has just revived Grab-Bike in the Philippines, a few years after it was discontinued due to the absence motorcycle taxi rules.
It's back! Grab-Bike service spotted at Grab PH app

Welcome back, Grab-Bike?

Team GIZGUIDE spotted the service in its app a few days after the report that Grab is seriously considering the revival of Grab-Bike.

Grab said in a statement on Tuesday the decision was spurred by the motorcycle taxi pilot run in the country.

In Grab's app, the service has a "TEST" label suggesting that it is under the motorcycle taxi pilot run.

However, based on Rappler's report, we are not yet sure if this is a legitimate service as TWG member and DOTr communications director Goddes Libiran previously said that "Grab could not join the ongoing pilot run as it submitted its application late".

But, if ever Grab made a way to still enter the pilot run officially, it will be the newest competitor of Angkas, JoyRide, and Move it.

That's HUGE as Grab is the dominant ride-hailing transport company in the country.

What do you guys think?
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