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Great News! Asus ZenFone 2 Series To Get Android 6.0 Marshmallow Update!

You read that title right folks, aside from Huawei, Asus revealed their roadmap on their devices that will get the highly anticipated Android 6.0 Marshmallow update. Another great news, Asus includes their widely popular ZenFone 2 line.
Great News! Asus ZenFone 2 Series To Get Android 6.0 Marshmallow Update!
ZenFone 2 and ZenFone Selfie

Asus just recently announced that they're already working on the Marshallow update of the ZenFone 2, ZenFone 2 Deluxe / Special Edition, ZenFone Selfie, ZenFone 2 Laser and Asus PadFone S. However, as of the moment, those are the only devices from Asus that will get the update.

With that update, users can enjoy a lot of improvements like a better app permission system, a more feature packed Google Now, extended micro SD card slot support and etc.

There's still no word if their ZenPad series, ZenFone Go and older ZenFones will receive the update too, but knowing Asus those guys loves to improve their software all the time so I won't be surprised if they'll pull the Marshmallow update off their other devices.

If your ZenFone getting an update? Let us know. :)

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