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You can now order XTREME Appliances online with FREE delivery

On Facebook, XTREME Appliances has shared that you may now order its products online with FREE Metro Manila delivery.
You can now order XTREME Appliances online with FREE delivery
Order you XTREME Appliances online

XTREME Appliances now comes with FREE Metro Manila delivery

This is probably perfect for those who are needed to buy an appliance but can't go to the malls because of the ongoing enhanced community quarantine.

Some of the appliances that you can order are TVs, air conditioners, two-door mics, ovens, and more. A few of them even come with freebies like a microwave oven, a rice cooker, or a 19-inch LED TV.

To buy the XTREME product of your choice, all you need to do is follow the instructions provided below.

Here's how:

1. Message us on Facebook/Instagram or fill-up the form on this link: bit.ly/XTREMEOrderForm
(Our XTREME Appliances representative will get in touch with you through the contact details given)
2. Online Payment
3. Send your proof of payment on our FB/IG page or email: xtremeonlinedelivery@gmail.com

Just note that for now, we can only cater to orders within Metro Manila only.
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