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Apex Legends is coming to mobile

Following the steps of PUBG and Fortnite, Electronic Arts announced that the popular battle royale game Apex Legends is coming soon for mobile.
Apex Legends is coming to mobile
Apex Legends is coming to mobile

Apex Legends for mobile

Apex Legends is a BR game set in the Titanfall universe. It was lauded due to its tight shooting mechanics, fast paced gameplay and hero-based strategy.

Having a mobile version for Apex Legends is a good idea since EA has problems recently especially with Anthem. Anthem was hyped up and was in development for years and its launch was met with server problems and game breaking bugs. Apex Legends, on the other hand, was released pretty discreetly and came out to be a great game.

Apart from the mobile version, this might indicate a Nintendo Switch version in the horizon as well. The only problem looming for these ports is how well the game's engine translated to mobile versions.

It might also mean that EA could develop a toned-down version of the game more suitable for mobile platforms.

What do you guys think?

Source: gameinformer
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