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"Spine" a Linux based PS4 emulator on PC is in the works

"Spine" is the first and only stable Linux-based PS4 emulator on a PC that actually works.
"Spine" Linux based PS4 emulator on PC is in the works
A new PS4 emulator for PC?

PS4 emulator that works on PC!

First off, the emulator is in the experimental stages, so don't expect to play triple-A titles such as God of War or Spider-Man series. But it's a good thing to know that PS4 Emulation has finally made a presence on PCs and is progressing at a decent pace. 

The software is a closed source PS4 emulator for Linux that has been in development since 2019, the developers recently released its first full public debut this month, along with a new compatibility list that includes hundreds of games.

So far the most common games that run are smaller 2D titles such as Dead Cell or Sonic Mania. Still just because it can run doesn't mean that it doesn't have issues. Based on the video the color palette on this game looks a little unnatural.

This software is also currently limited to Linux; there is no graphical user interface, and you must obtain your own firmware and game files. That last part is especially tricky because you'll almost certainly need to modify your own PS4 to get your hands on the data you require. Of course, keep in mind that it comes with the usual legal gray areas.

There have been multiple tries to reverse engineer the console but only Spine has successfully made it.

For now, Spine is mostly a curio, but it has the potential. Although it may be impractical to play 2D games when running the emulator and you might just as well get the PC version instead.

If you are interested to try it you may click this link.

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