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Google Workspace & Chromebooks banned in Denmark, data transfer risks cited

Based on earlier reports, Denmark is banning Google's Workspace software and Chromebooks.
Google Workspace & Chromebooks banned in Denmark, data transfer risks cited
Google Workspace software include Gmail, Google Docs, Calendar, and Drive

Google Workspace & Chromebooks banned in Denmark

The Google Workspace software includes Gmail, Google Docs, Calendar, and Drive. It is said that the said software "does not meet the requirements" of the European Union's GDPR data privacy regulation.

Denmark's data protection agency Datatilsynet revealed that data processing involves students using Google’s cloud-based Workspace software suite.

The authority found that the data processor agreement (Google terms and conditions) seemingly allows for data to be transferred to other countries for the purpose of providing support even though the data is ordinarily stored in one of Google's EU data centers.

The ruling technically only applies to schools in Helsingør, but Datatilsynet notes that many of the conclusions it has reached will "probably apply to other municipalities" that use Google Chromebooks and Workspace.

TechCrunch got a comment from a Google spokesperson saying that schools own their data and they only process it in accordance with their contracts with them. It is also never used for advertising or other commercial purposes.

You may read the full report and the complete statement of Google in TechCrunch's article here.

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