Qualcomm has posted teasers about its upcoming event where it will introduce a new Snapdragon processor".
The said event will take place on March 18, 2024, in China. According to rumors, it is going to be the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 (SM8635) which uses the same architecture as the 8 Gen 3.
Qualcomm's teaser post suggest it will be a "flagship processor at the new product launch conference.
While the firm made "bold claims" about it, previous Geekbench listing suggest it is going to be a weaker version of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3.
Anyways, it will have 3.01GHz Cortex-X4 + 4x x 2.61GHz Cortex A720 + 3x 1.84GHz Cortex-A520 CPU. Moreover, it is said to feature an unofficial GPU name of Adreno 735.
Reports also said that a realme GT Neo6 might use the upcoming processor.
Moving forward, Qualcomm may also reveal the Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 with model number SM7675 at the same event. Reports say that it has identical architecture but with toned-down clock speeds: 1x 2.9GHz Cortex-X4 + 4x 2.61GHz Cortex-A720 + 3x 1.9GHz Cortex-A520 CPU and presumed GPU Name Adreno 732.
Finally, realme GT Neo6 SE and OnePlus Ace 3V are said to feature this mid-range SoC.
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