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realme x Petsup partnership donates to PAWS to promote animal welfare!

realme has partnered with Petsup to donate to PAWS and keep supporting the rights and well-being of animals.
realme x Petsup partnership donates to PAWS to promote animal welfare!
realme x Petsup helps PAWS!

realme x Petsup donates to PAWS!

Petsup is a local pet supplies brand and together with realme, both had donated worth PHP 100,000 monetary aid including PHP 50K worth of realme products and an additional PHP 50K of Petsup items

realme Philippines delegates, together with staff from Petsup, visited the PAWS headquarters.
In Quezon City last April 30 to personally delivered the donations and acquired firsthand insight into the organization's operations.

PAWS expressed appreciation and noted that company donations help finance its initiatives.
particularly rehabilitating their animal shelters and rescue activities for animals suffering from maltreatment and neglect.

Usually, people say that only animals can love you unconditionally. By helping these animals, you'll see in their eyes that they are not damaged goods, and they need people like you to help them support their rehabilitation, Sharon Yap, PAWS Education Officer, said.

To create positive change, Yap said that pet owners should practice spaying and neutering for their pets and encourage others to do so. She stated you can start by being responsible pet owners and having a lifetime commitment to your pets. And if you cannot give monetary donations, you can donate your time by volunteering here at the organization.

Patricia Gonzales, Communications Lead at realme Philippines, believes that the joint endeavor will motivate others to address the country's animal cruelty issues.

Gonzales added, Our collaboration with Petsup and PAWS shows our commitment to fostering a community that values empathy and kindness towards animals. We hope that our donation, especially the brand-new units of realme Note 50, will help streamline the activities and efforts of PAWS.

realme and Petsup have had a tremendous impact on the lives of many animals and emphasized the significance of advocating for animal welfare and helping Causes that encourage compassion, empathy, and social responsibility for animals.

To keep posted about realme's activities and announcements, you may stay tuned at the brand's official website or Facebook page.

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