This year’s 11.11 Shopping Festival of e-Commerce platform Lazada opens up to several brands and sellers. |
Asahi Home at Lazada
Lazada's support in online presence brought them increase in sales
Lazada proudly announced that brands like Fully Booked and Asahi Home is joining the platform's upcoming grand sale event. Having an online presence would mean bigger opportunities since their product will be more accessible for customers.
Aside from that, Lazada has a wide array of offerings, tempting deals and free shipping vouchers. This will further boost the interest of shoppers to purchase from various brands and sellers. It will mean a remarkable growth of their businesses in the digital space.
Fully-Booked's wide assortment of books
Well-known book store chain Full Booked has joined the platform about four years ago. It is famous for their enormous book titles and accommodating physical stores. They have been trying to transition to digital means even before the pandemic affected the economy. Fully Booked Customer Relationship and Digital Marketing Manager Ilia Uy said,
Our sales have been seeing consistent growth, as more Lazada customers find out that we are available on the platform, and that our selection on our Lazada store is comparable to what you find in our physical branches.
More consumers began to like the convenience of eCommerce in buying their necessities and wants. Fully Booked was able to hit a great sales performance during the past 9.9 Big Brands sale as books became in demand online.
Higher demand for books
As more people embraced the convenience of eCommerce to make purchases of daily essentials, Fully Booked also recorded great sales performance during the past 9.9 Big Brands Sale, reflecting an increase in consumer demand for books online. |
Aesthetics design by Asahi Home became a hit
Appliance brand Asahi Home was heavily affected by the impact of the pandemic at its sales in physical stores decreased. As venturing into eCommerce, the brand initially joined other online platforms then decided to do a partnership with Lazada last September. Asahi Home Appliances Business Manager Eunice Sy added,
Since we onboarded on Lazada, the platform was able to better address and cater to our customers’ needs. Being on Lazada enabled us to service customers beyond Metro Manila, as well as to grant requests we couldn’t previously accommodate, such as cash-on-delivery.
Even in the initial phase of their partnership with Lazada, Asahi Home posted a huge sale success during the 9.9 Big Brands Sale. According to them, the consumers expressed interest in their Aesthetic Series while their mini-ovens went viral.
With Lazada’s mega campaigns driving sales for merchants and more consumers going online, brands like Fully Booked and Asahi Home have expressed confidence that Lazada’s upcoming 11.11 Shopping Festival will bring more shoppers online and drive traffic to their stores.
With Lazada’s 11.11 Shopping Festival getting nearer, both Asahi Home Appliances and Fully Booked are doing all the necessary preparations. This is to make sure that they are prepared to supply the consumer demand brought by the shopping holiday.
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