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Razer dedicates in promoting a nature-friendly gaming environment for all

Razer announced its 10-year environmental plan to promote a nature-friendly gaming environment for future generations.
#GoGreenWithRazer campaign

nature-friendly gaming environment for all

Razer shows its commitment to protecting nature by launching its 10-year program. It aims to achieve carbon-neutral status by producing products from recycled or recyclable materials and encourage the community to participate in environmental preservation.

Their current goals include using 100 percent renewable energy upon reaching the year 2025, using recycled or recyclable products by 2030, and become 100 percent carbon neutral by 2030.  Razer is also mobilizing everyone, the youth, millennials, and Gen Z – to make a difference through a number of green initiatives as part of this movement. This involves recycling and being mindful of its environmental impact.

Razer's co-founder and CEO, Min-Liang Tan said,

Through our #GoGreenWithRazer campaign led by our Sneki Snek mascot, the Razer community has been insanely supportive and passionate

Awareness of how we impact the environment is incredibly important. Hence, Razer has planned out a sustainability roadmap to continue fighting environmental and climate changes. We’re determined to make the world a better place for all of its citizens to game and live in.

As Razer's brand evolves and gets bigger, the company will look for opportunities to put sustainability plans to their employee's mindset as the company's culture. With a goal of creating a culture that cares for the environment of the world. The company promises to lessen and get rid of the use of single-use plastics in all offices to minimize Greenhouse Gas emissions, take care of bio-habitats, and achieve 100 percent carbon-neutral by the year 2030.

Razer, being one of the leading Gaming brands is proud to be included in a group that is known for inclusivity and solidarity, Razer commits to use its influence and amass gamers across the globe to support the brand's green cause rewarding the fans through product offerings.

The company will also promote and invest in environmental and sustainability startups as part of its efforts to foster sustainability among the young, millennials, and gen-Z communities. Razer's corporate investment arm, zVentures, will be activated to help these startups develop and provide a better future for its group.

Razer will carry a #GoGreenWithRazer as part of its campaign for global corporate social responsibility to create a greener world for all to play in.

What do you guys think?

Sources: RazerBusiness Wire

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