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Gur Lavi Corp announces China Mobile partnership, new image, and more!

Gur Lavi Corp formally announced its partnership with China Mobile International along with a new image as well. Read on for more information!
Gur Lavi Corp announces China Mobile partnership, new image, and more!
Gur Lavi Corp officially announces China Mobile partnership

Gur Lavi Corp reveals a new image and official China Mobile partnership!

TeLavi Cloud, one of GLC's flagship businesses and widely regarded as the only all-in-one communication platform in the nation, earned a name for itself in the market. It is an innovative product that was released in the midst of the pandemic and provides Call Center Solutions, Team Messaging, Video Conferencing, and Cloud Telephony Solutions for large businesses and SMEs to any office location, including from home.

Although the collaboration had already begun this year, it was formally established with China Mobile International Limited through the signing of an MOU during GCL's event. This year's completion of current initiatives demonstrates that the collaboration is actually moving in the direction of the market needs of CMI.

The partnership is thought to benefit CMI by enabling them to enter the market more quickly while also enabling GLC to quickly broaden its customer base. Making CMI's offering to their market more irresistible through Telavi Cloud, Voice, Business Direct, and Home is one of the partnership's highlights. Additionally, GLC is working on strategic transactions that will benefit CMI's clients by addressing their concerns about becoming digital.

As it has already built the necessary infrastructure, connected to service providers all over the world, and established infrastructures, GLC is aiming to break into the international market in the near future. GLC hopes to improve the lives of millions of Filipinos in line with its aim to offer businesses effectively, yet inexpensive, and customizable communication solutions.

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