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50 years ago: The first cellphone call was made

Martin Cooper, the "father of the cellphone," tells the story behind one of the world’s greatest inventions—the cellphone.
Photo of Martin Cooper, Courtesy: Britannica

How the first cellphone call was made?

To those who do not know, Cooper has released the "CUTTING THE CORD: The Cell Phone Has Transformed HUMANITY" book.

It centers on a battle for control of how people communicate, involving government regulators, lobbyists, police, technology breakthroughs, failures, quartz, and a horse, it said.

At the center of that story is Martin Cooper, a legendary futurist. This book describes how his early life influenced the creation of the cell phone and how he persisted despite being told the idea was impractical, unmarketable and preposterous, it added.

It revealed that it was on April 3, 1973, when Cooper made the first cellphone call in New York City. The device he invented, which was the size of a brick, was the first cellphone that ever existed.

This made Cooper one of the "100 most important inventors in history," by TIME magazine as his invention made a significant impact on everyone's lives.

This book also relates Cooper's vision of the future of personal communications. He postulates that the story is far from finished and that we have only achieved a small fraction of the cell phone's potential impact.

CUTTING THE CORD: The Cell Phone Has Transformed HUMANITY published by Rosetta Books is available in hardcover (USD 26.99 or around PHP 1,471), eBook (USD 12.69 or around PHP 691.74), and audiobook (USD 17.99 or around PHP 980).

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