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Gov't, Scam Watch Pilipinas partner to strengthen fight vs cyber fraud

Key government agencies and Scam Watch Pilipinas have teamed up to beef up the country’s combat against cyber fraud.
Photo shows #ScamWatchPH co-lead convenors Art Samniego and Jocel de Guzman, CICC Executive Director Usec. Alexander Ramos, Office of the President Senior Deputy Secretary Atty. Hubert Guevera, CICC’s Hon. Justice Andres Reyes Jr., and NTC Director Atty. Andres Castelar Jr.

Battle against scammers begins

#ScamWatchPH recently inked the deal with the Department of Information, Communication and Technology (DICT), the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), and the Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center (CICC).

Founded by Manila Bulletin and startup reputation management brand Truth360, the group seeks to equip Filipinos with the knowledge to defend themselves against online scams. This initiative is even boosted with the expertise and tools of the CICC.

DICT Secretary Ivan John Uy welcomed this tie-up with the private sector.

This is an initiative that marks our collective efforts to safeguard and empower our communities. Here, we unite the public as well as the private sectors to collaborate with our common vision to raise awareness against the never-ending tactics of scammers, Uy said.

#ScamWatchPH co-lead convenors likewise stressed the importance of raising awareness against crimes in cyberspace.

The breadth and depth of online fraudulent activities have become alarmingly complex, from phishing scams that lure individuals into revealing sensitive information to sophisticated schemes involving fake e-commerce sites. In the face of this digital threat, comprehensive initiatives like #ScamWatchPH become pivotal in responding to the risks and preemptively engaging them, Manila Bulletin Technology Editor Art Samaniego said.

For more information on #ScamWatchPH, check its Facebook page here.

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