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Here's how long Apple will support iPhones

The duration will be at least five years, which is less than its competitors.
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File photo: iPhone 15 Pro Max

Complying with UK's policies

Apple has announced a minimum support lifetime for iPhones.

The tech giant indicated in a compliance statement for iPhone 15 Pro Max that the defined support period will be a "minimum 5 Years from the first supply date."

It noted that the first supply date was 22 September 2023, which was the same date when the iPhone 15 series was released to the market.

According to a report by Android Authority, the setting of the support period was in compliance with the UK's Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure.

The policy, which took effect April 29, requires companies that manufacture, import, or distribute internet-capable products—such as iPhones—in the UK to comply with certain security requirements. This aims to improve the security of consumer products that can connect to the internet, most notably IoT devices.

Companies covered by the regulation must provide statements of compliance that outline, among other things, the support period for which security updates will be provided.

The policy defines "defined support period" as the "minimum length of time, expressed as a period of time with an end date, for which security updates will be provided."

Meanwhile, a "security update" is a "software update that protects or enhances the security of a product, including a software update that addresses security issues which have been discovered by or reported to the manufacturer."

Given this policy and Apple’s statement, the company will issue security updates for a minimum of five years from the launch date of the iPhone 15. Furthermore, iPhone 15 is guaranteed to receive security updates until September 22, 2028.

This period is actually shorter than that of Apple's competitors. Both Samsung and Google guarantee seven years of not just security updates but also Android OS updates.

Just a few years back, Apple provided the longest software update support among all mobile brands.

But note that the keyword is "minimum". This means that their support could be longer than 5 years, but not guaranteed.

What do you think about this?

Source: Apple, Via: Android Authority

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