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PH's broadband service among with low reliability

There is a huge difference between urban and rural areas.
Photo from Opensignal

The digital divide in PH

According to Opensignal’s report, the Philippines was listed among the countries with low reliability when it comes to broadband service. The study noted that broadband in urban areas was 46 percent more reliable compared to rural areas.

The Philippines was listed under "lower reliability" with India, Colombia, Mexico, and Indonesia. They all scored below 500.

Meanwhile, countries listed under higher reliability were Sweden, Norway, the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, and the United States. They had an overall score above 650.

Countries under moderate reliability were Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Spain, Italy, Poland, and Brazil. Their score ranged between 500-650.

Unsurprisingly, wealthier countries tend to have better reliability. However, the correlation is not strong, indicating that other factors are also influential, such as regulatory frameworks and competition, Opensignal said.

The report noted that countries like the Philippines face challenges in ensuring access to quality broadband. One of these is geography.

The country's archipelagic nature makes infrastructure deployment expensive and complex, Opensignal said.

To close this gap and ensure that everyone, regardless of location, enjoys reliable, high-quality internet, we need bold policies, widespread fiber adoption, and innovative solutions to geographical challenges, Opensignal said.

What do you think about this?

Source: Opensignal

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