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OpenSignal: Smart beats rival Globe in terms of mobile network experience in the Philippines

OpenSignal's latest March 2019 report showed the current state of Mobile Network Experience in the Philippines.
OpenSignal: Smart beats rival Globe in terms of mobile network experience in the Philippines
Mobile Experience Awards, March 2019 Philippines

OpenSignal collected the data from November 1, 2018 to January 29, 2019 from 270,433 total devices and 933,210,079 total measurements to show the 4G LTE performance difference between Smart and Globe.

Smart beats rival Globe in terms of mobile network experience

Based on OpenSignal's data, Smart and Globe are statistically tied over 4G availability. Globe got a score of 71.1 and Smart got a score of 70.8.
4G availability
4G availability

Globe has the long edge over Smart in LTE reach, but the recent data showed the Smart's surge. Smart's 4G availability grew by 7 percentage points. On the other hand, Globe grew by 4 points.
Video Experience
Video Experience

In terms of video experience performance, Smart got a score of 44.4 while Globe only has a score of 28.4. It means that Smart's video experience has shorter load times with fewer playback interruption versus Globe.
Download Speed Experience
Download Speed Experience

The download speed experience of Smart is also better. Smart got a score of 9.0 points versus the 5.5 points of Globe. The user speed experience of Smart is also better with 3.2 points over the 1.7 points of Globe.
Upload Speed Experience
Upload Speed Experience

Smart also won OpenSignal's latency experience award in the Philippines with an average response time of 6.94 milliseconds on 3G and 4G versus Globe's 74.6 milliseconds.
Latency Experience
Latency Experience

Smart won 4 of Opensignal's awards. Globe and Smart are tied for the 5th award.

OpenSignal also noted that the increasing 4G availability in the country as a whole is amplified in urban areas. In Cebu, Davao, and Manila, 4G availability scores are at least 10 percent higher than the national average.

Traditionally, mobile broadband speeds and access to 4G in the country is limited. But, the availability has increased dramatically for both Smart and Globe in the last two years. Users can now find an LTE connection more than 70 percent of the time.

OpenSignal said that the future of consumer mobile experience in the Philippines looks positive.

We should also expect to see both operators amp up their mobile services in  in anticipation of Mislatel's launch.

To recall, Mislatel is the newly appointed 3rd major telco in the Philippines.

Do you guys agree with OpenSignal?

Source: OpenSignal
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