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Huawei wins a new 90-day extension from US

Trump administration has just issued a new 90-day extension to Huawei. The development comes amid discussions between US and China to resolve the trade war.
Huawei wins a new 90-day extension from US
File photo: Huawei in China

A new 90-day extension from US

Reuters reported that the extension will allow US companies to continue doing business with Huawei as regulators continue crafting rules on telecommunications firms that pose "national security risks".

The Temporary General License extension will allow carriers to continue to service customers in some of the most remote areas of the United States who would otherwise be left in the dark, said US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in a statement. The Department will continue to rigorously monitor sensitive technology exports to ensure that our innovations are not harnessed by those who would threaten our national security.

After receiving more than 200 requests, the Commerce Department is also considering to grant individual licenses for US firms to sell components to Huawei. No action was taken yet though.

Huawei said that the extension won't have a substantial impact on its business and it does not change the fact that the company continues to be treated unfairly.

To recall, Huawei was added to its "Entity List" back in May. The US said that Huawei is a threat to its national security.

To date, the US has yet to provide evidence showing that Huawei is a security threat.

The device affected by the ban is the Mate 30 and Mate 30 Pro as it didn't ship with Google's mobile services out of the box. As a remedy, Huawei launched and grew its own mobile services and app store, the HMS and AppGallery.

But even if there's a restriction from US, Huawei still posted the highest growth in the smartphone space this year.

IDC reported that it captured 18.6 percent of the market share versus 14.6 percent during the same period last year.

Source: Reuters
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