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Apple App Store phasing out severely outdated apps

Apple seems to be removing apps from the App Store that are deemed to be out of date. This is a part of the company's App Improvement movement.
Apple to remove outdated apps from App Store

Apple removing "outdated" apps from the App Store

Reportedly, Apple sent an "App Improvement Notice" email where it gives developers 30 days to update their apps so that they will not be deemed outdated. Outdated apps are those that did not receive a significant update recently.

According to Apple, if no update is submitted within the allotted time then the app will be removed from the App Store. Any versions of the removed app installed before the removal will not be deleted or uninstalled from users' Apple devices.

App developers are voicing their concerns, especially those apps that are in a stable state that do not need any updates. There are games and apps that reached their most stable forms in 2019 with some even dating back to 2015. Developers are arguing that even in this day and age, apps can come out and become completed projects that do not need to be updated anymore.

We have seen Apple do this as early as 2016 for abandoned apps. The same procedure and notice were given to the apps' developers before removal. We are catching wind of this now because Apple seems to be doubling down on this practice recently.

Critics say that Apple's new policy is a bit harsh on developers. They also argue that completed and stable apps should remain available in the App Store no matter how old it is. This is true for apps and games on consoles and other platforms, they say, why not Apple's.

What do you guys think?

Source: The Verge

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