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SellCell: Samsung Galaxy S22 resale value went down to half in 2 months

Samsung's Galaxy S22 was launched last February 2022 but in just a short time a chunk of its worth has already depreciated based on SellCell's study.

Samsung Galaxy S22 value goes down significantly

To those who are unaware yet, SellCell is a widely known US trade-in website for handsets. They analyzed the depreciation value of devices iPhone 13, Galaxy S22, and Pixel 6 across the first two months after their release using internal data. All of them were deemed in "like-new" or "good" condition.

The Galaxy S22 and Pixel 6 pair both saw a significant dip in sales according to the findings of the researchers. 
SellCell's depreciation chart
SellCell's depreciation chart

Samsung's flagship has lost the most worth on average garnering 51.1 percent in "good condition" and 46.8 percent in "like-new". On the other hand, the Pixel 6 range gets 43.5 percent for "good" and 41.5 percent for "like new". Meanwhile, Apple's iPhone 13 range sits at 16.4 percent and 19.1 percent.

However, the Galaxy S22 Plus 128GB variant turned out as the worst among them, its "good condition" has gone down low by 57.5 percent and the "almost new" plunged to 53.8 percent in value. This means a USD 574.99 or around PHP 30K worth has already been lost.

On Google's side, the Pixel 6 Pro 256GB model was the lowest-performing. Just 60 days after its launch, it had 47.9 percent for the "Good" condition and 45.7 percent for "like-new". If translating that to cash, it means the loss was up to  USD 479 or around PHP 25K already.
SellCell's depreciation gap
SellCell's depreciation gap

Apple's iPhone 13 Pro Max was the phone that managed to remain most of its worth. It has only seen a single-digit depreciation of 4.7 percent in "Good" condition and 3.8 percent for the "like-new". That's only USD 52 or around PHP 2.7K in terms of monetary loss since its release.

What do you guys think? 

Source: SellCell

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