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Rumor: Exynos 2500 to feature a custom Samsung Mobile GPU with AMD tech!

Samsung's upcoming Exynos 2500 chip is reportedly to feature a custom GPU with optimizations and AMD Technology.
Rumor: Exynos 2500 to feature a custom Samsung Mobile GPU with AMD tech!
The brand's self-developed chip

Exynos 2500 to arrive with custom Mobile GPU!

The Exynos chips usually go with Samsung's flagship or mid-range devices however this year the brand skipped that on their Galaxy S23 Series with SD8G2 SoC in all markets.

While it is rumored that the Korean firm is done with its own flagship chipsets given the negative reactions to the Exynos 2200, however, it doesn't seem like the case yet for now.

Based on the latest info, Samsung is reportedly developing a custom GPU and it appears that they are going to take advantage of the license agreement they had with AMD that was recently extended. However, it is still unclear if Samsung intends to cut ties with Qualcomm in the long run and rely on its self-developed SoCs.

As of now, it is reported that the Exynos 2500 chip won't be available anytime soon and will be available for at least a couple of years more, despite how intriguing the development appears.

Another leak suggests that there's a high chance Samsung will use 2nd gen 3nm lithography with it, And if everything goes as per their plans, the brand could start the production of 3nm by 2024.

What do you guys think?

Source: GizmoChina

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