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Samsung Galaxy S6 to get Android Oreo update

A 3 generations old Android smartphone rarely gets an Android update. However, Samsung gives love to the Galaxy S6 as it will roll out the Oreo update to it.
Samsung Galaxy S6 to get Android Oreo update
Samsung Galaxy S6  will get an Oreo update

Along with the Galaxy S8 users getting the beta version of Samsung's Oreo update, the Galaxy S7 is also confirmed to have a planned update as well. Surprisingly enough, four Samsung representatives has confirmed that the Galaxy S6 will also get an update.
Reddit user CyberConCoder chatted with Samsung Reps
Reddit user CyberConCoder chatted with Samsung Reps

A Reddit user named CyberConCoder did the digging and asked four different Samsung representatives. Although most support centers aren't that reliable when it comes to these kinds of information, the consistency and amount of answers that he got is undeniable.
More screenshots of Samsung reps confirming the Oreo update
More screenshots of Samsung reps confirming the Oreo update

All of the 4 representatives say that Samsung will push out an Oreo update for the Galaxy S6. One of the representatives even confirmed it with his supervisor. They are sure that an update to Oreo will be rolled out but they just don't want to give an ETA to avoid misinforming the public.

This is great news if all brands will follow Samsung's step and update their older generation smartphones.

Sources: GSMArenaReddit
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