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GrabExpress Pabili on-demand pabili service is now available!

Grab introduces online on-demand purchase order service on its app called GrabExpress Pabili on its app.
GrabExpress Pabili on-demand pabili service is now available!
GrabExpress Pabili is now available

Grab riders can now purchase products for you!

GrabExpress Pabili on-demand pabili service is now available!
How to use GrabExpress Pabili?

At their official website, Grab announces the availability of its new on-demand Pabili (purchase order) service that allows Grab users to ask GrabExpress riders to purchase items for them. This means, Grab app users can now ask Grab riders to purchase products from supermarkets, drugstores and more at the comfort of their own home. This means that users can get items they need while still following the quarantine protocols inside their homes.

There is a maximum of PHP 2,000 per transaction so this service is clearly for a small number of items.

How to book GrabExpress Pabili?

1. To book a GrabExpress Pabili, Click the Delivery tile in your Grab app. 
2. On the Delivery page, input the store details on the sender page (store address + contact person).
3. Input the recipient's details (the Grab user).
4. On the about the Recepient page, toggle cash on delivery and indicated the amount of the items to be bought. (Maximum of PHP 2,000).
5. Select GrabExpress Pabili as the service.
6. Click options to add Note to driver.
7. On the Note to Driver, Indicate the items to be bought. 
8. Click Confirm and Book to get a rider.

What do you guys think?

Source: Grab
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