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Duterte expands telcos' access to satellites

President Rodrigo Duterte signed an executive order expanding telco players' access to satellite systems as part of the current administration's way to enhance internet connectivity.
Duterte expands telcos' access to satellites
For better internet in the Philippines soon?

New EO now allows telcos to have direct access to satellites

Under Executive Order 127, the government now allows value-added service providers and internet service providers registered with the National Telecommunications Commission to have direct access to all satellite systems.

This is timely, especially now that the Philippines continues to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, where Filipinos rely heavily on the internet.

The EO even stated that the internet "has become a basic household need for Filipinos."

In recent years, high-speed wired and wireless data networks providing interactive connection to the internet have emerged as powerful drivers of economic and social change, the EO read.

The new EO mandates the telco regulator to accelerate administrative processes and update its regulations to allow VAS providers and ISPs to "directly access, utilize, own, and operate" internet access service facilities using satellite technologies.

The Philippines has been under lockdown since March of 2020, forcing Filipinos to embrace the new normal, including the work-from-home scheme and distance learning.

Third telco player DITO Telecommunity officially launched last week, heightening the competition in the market.

The government said Filipinos should expect better yet cheaper services with the entry of the new competitor.

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