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Xiaomi phones has no hidden censorship: German IT group

Germany's federal cybersecurity watchdog, the BSI, reported that they did not find any evidence of censorship functions in Xiaomi mobile phones.
Xiaomi phones has no hidden censorship: German IT group
Germany's BSI backs up Xiaomi

Lithuania claims debunked?

In September 2021, we reported that the defense ministry of the Lithuanian government claimed that Chinese smartphones sold in Europe by Xiaomi have built-in censorship capabilities. These claims say that Xiaomi phones can detect and censor terms like "Free Tibet", "Long Live Taiwan Independence", and "democracy movement".

The Chinese smartphone giant has since denied this accusation. The BSI (German: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik; English: Federal Office for Information Security) started the examination following these accusations — which lasted about four months.

As a result, the BSI was unable to identify any anomalies that would require further investigation or other measures, the BSI spokesperson said. (via Reuters)

As of writing, Lithuania is yet to release its official statement about this matter. Xiaomi is also yet to respond to this report. 

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