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Argomall premiers pilot episode of Tekkie Talks in time for Father's Day

Homegrown e-commerce platform Argomall just premiered the first episode of its Tekkie Talks, which attempts to delve into technology issues and trending stories. 
Argomall premiers pilot episode of Tekkie Talks
Argomall launches Tekkie Talks

Argomall's Tekkie Talks

In time for Father's Day, for its pilot episode, Argomall invited writer and producer Peejo Pilar and Argomall.com Chief Argonaut Karel Holub to discuss how technology affect their fatherhood, while Award-winning thespian and millennial composer Jef Flores tackled about how technology became influential to his relationship with his father.

Managing screen time was highlighted in the show, where Holub said children must not be allowed to use smartphones until 13. 

It does not help too much for cognitive skills and with their imagination, and being able to play. It basically takes that away from the kids, Holub said. 

This was also supported by a report from the World Health Organization, stressing infants under one year old shouldn’t be exposed to electronic gadgets while a maximum of one hour “sedentary screen time” each day are recommended for children ages two to four years old. 

Tekkie Talks is proof that Argomall values its customers. We don’t just settle in being a one-stop convenient hub for authentic gadgets. We also want to help them to be responsible gadget users, Holub said. 

The Argomall chief also considered the pilot episode a success. 
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