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PISA: PH students among weakest in creative thinking

The country was among the bottom four among 64 countries and economies.
Photo from DepEd

Mean score below OECD average

The latest Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test revealed how fifteen-year-old Filipino students performed in terms of critical thinking skills.

This was the first time PISA tested students based on this skill. It defined creative thinking as "the competence to engage productively in the generation, evaluation, and improvement of ideas that can result in original and effective solutions, advances in knowledge, and impactful expressions of imagination."

Results showed that the Philippines scored 14 points. It was among the bottom four, along with Albania, Uzbekistan, and Morocco.

PH 15-year-old students was among the bottom four among 64 countries and economies.


Manila's score was below the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) average of 33, the PISA report said.

The Philippines is significantly behind top performers Singapore (41), Korea (38), Canada (38), Australia (37) and New Zealand (36).

According to Philstar.com’s analysis, only around 3 percent of Filipino students can match the creative thinking abilities of the average student in Singapore.

PISA data showed that only 3.4 percent of Filipino students reached Level 5 proficiency in the test, versus 30 percent of Singaporean students.

Filipino students love learning

While they were behind in terms of critical thinking, the PISA analysis also revealed that Filipino students have a great interest in learning new things.

Some 81 percent of students in the Philippines agree or strongly agree with the statement "I like learning new things."

Around 78 percent of Filipino students also said they agreed or strongly agreed that they "love learning new things in school," and at least 71 percent agreed or strongly agreed that they are "curious about many things."

In terms of other skills, Filipino students were still behind when it comes to math, reading, and science.

What do you think about this?

Via: Philstar, CNA, Source: OECD

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