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Globe built 572 new cell sites this 2022 so far!

According to the latest press briefing of Globe, the local telco giant has built and upgraded plenty of cell sites this year to help accelerate the state of the internet in the Philippines.
Globe built 572 new cell sites this 2022 so far!
File photo of a cell towers

New Globe towers in PH!

In particular, the company built 572 new cell sites, upgraded 6.8K mobile sites, and installed 933  new 5G sites this year.
New towers!

For the first quarter alone, the telco said it built 234 cell sites nationwide, upgraded 2,344 mobile sites to 4G, and installed 380 5G sites.

The company said that its network rollout momentum continues enabled by its CAPEX spend of USD 1 billion (around PHP 50.5 billion). 84 percent of it is for data-related requirements.

Before the year ends, the company is targeting to install over 1,700 new cell sites.

Just recently, Globe announced that it has inked deals with two companies for the sale of over 5,000 towers. Those towers will be common towers that the telco companies can lease to help in boosting their coverage nationwide.

Globe previously said that it will continue to seal deals with tower companies to reach more communities. This is apart from building its own towers.

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